Featured Projects

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Featured Projects

Hover over the videos for a sneak peek.

Finch Beauty & Salon

Moxie Fine Jewelry

Fierce Ink 

“Working with Hannah is a no brainer and why I’ve hired her 6 different times now. Getting to see yourself through her lens is an absolute gift that just keeps on giving! Her work truly speaks for itself, there’s no one like her.”

- Margaret James Photography

DJ Jess

Burgh Brides

Margaret James

Live Painting


- Moxie Fine Jewelry

“Hannah used her creative instincts to really capture my brand beautifully! I now have an incredible launch reel and plenty of BTS content for my website/social media.”

“When I saw what she had delivered my jaw DROPPED!! My team and I are SO impressed with our content and seriously could not imagine it any better! Hannah really heard and understood what we were asking for.”


Holly Hanna Floral

- Finch Beauty & Salon

Click over to their Instagram to see more!

Check out that engagement!

Let's Create Together


Let's Create Together *